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Version 4, info and download

MadKit 4

As a previous version, MadKit 4 contains an older version of the API and was not designed as a self-contained library. So it is less developer friendly than version 5. Still, it contains a lot of MAS projects which could still be used for teaching purposes or specific development. Especially, MaDKit 4 natively embeds several programming languages and agents may be programmed in Java, Scheme (Kawa), Jess (rule based engine) or BeanShell. Other script languages may be easily added. MadKit 4 comes with a full set of facilities and agents for launching, displaying, developing and monitoring agents and organizations. MadKit 4 is a free software based on the GPL/LGPL license. LGPL for the kernel and communication tools, GPL for the development tools (editors, GroupObserver, viewers, etc…).

MadKit 4 install

Unzip the file, place the madkit folder where ever you want, and that's it… MadKit is installed!!
To start MadKit, go to the bin folder.

  • on Windows system, double click on the madkit.exe file
  • on Mac OSX system, double click on the file (or madkit alone, if the .app extension does not appear)
  • on Linux or any Unix system, type ./ at the console

On Mac or Linux, you may have to make the .sh files executables, thus type chmod +x *.sh at the console
The first start takes a little bit more time because there are some indexing that is taking place.. The MadKit documentation is on the Doc Browser agent which is located on the madkit desktop. Double click on the icon, and it will launch..

MadKit 4.4.0 (Last 4th release)

MadKit 4.2.0 (Last 4th stable)