------------------------ setLogWarningLevelInLife TEST START ---------------------
[Fatal Error] :1:1: Contenu non autorisé dans le prologue.
[Fatal Error] :1:1: Contenu non autorisé dans le prologue.
[Fatal Error] :1:1: Contenu non autorisé dans le prologue.
[Fatal Error] :1:1: Contenu non autorisé dans le prologue.
[Fatal Error] :1:1: Contenu non autorisé dans le prologue.
[Fatal Error] :1:1: Contenu non autorisé dans le prologue.

	Hi Human and hello World !!

 I am an instance of the madkit.kernel.Agent class
 As such, I am a MaDKit threaded Agent
 and thus have an autonomous activity!

------------------------ setLogWarningLevelInLife TEST FINISHED ---------------------

------------------------ setLogLevelNullInLife TEST START ---------------------
 ** java.lang.NullPointerException
	at madkit.logging.LoggingWithGUIStartingWithOFFTest$3$1.activate(LoggingWithGUIStartingWithOFFTest.java:97)

[setLogLevelNullInLife] GRAVE : LAUNCH_AGENT ÉCHEC : 
 ** madkit.kernel.MadkitWarning: AGENT_CRASH: -9 (TERMINATED) l'agent s'est crashé
	at madkit.logging.LoggingWithGUIStartingWithOFFTest$3.activate(LoggingWithGUIStartingWithOFFTest.java:95)

------------------------ setLogLevelNullInLife TEST FINISHED ---------------------

------------------------ setNameTest TEST START ---------------------

	Hi Human and hello World !!

 I am an instance of the madkit.kernel.Agent class
 As such, I am a MaDKit threaded Agent
 and thus have an autonomous activity!

------------------------ setNameTest TEST FINISHED ---------------------

------------------------ setLogLevelInLife TEST START ---------------------
[-19] PLUS PRÉCIS : ** sortie de ACTIVATE **
[-19] PLUS PRÉCIS : ** entrée dans LIVE **

	Hi Human and hello World !!

 I am an instance of the madkit.kernel.Agent class
 As such, I am a MaDKit threaded Agent
 and thus have an autonomous activity!

------------------------ setLogLevelInLife TEST FINISHED ---------------------

------------------------ setLogWarningLevelNullInLife TEST START ---------------------
[-24] GRAVE : -*-ACTIVATE BUG*-*
 ** java.lang.NullPointerException
	at madkit.logging.LoggingWithGUIStartingWithOFFTest$4$1.activate(LoggingWithGUIStartingWithOFFTest.java:111)

[setLogWarningLevelNullInLife] GRAVE : LAUNCH_AGENT ÉCHEC : 
 ** madkit.kernel.MadkitWarning: AGENT_CRASH: -24 (TERMINATED) l'agent s'est crashé
	at madkit.logging.LoggingWithGUIStartingWithOFFTest$4.activate(LoggingWithGUIStartingWithOFFTest.java:109)

------------------------ setLogWarningLevelNullInLife TEST FINISHED ---------------------