 * Now we will interest to other Options.
 * These features are no longer valued by boolean nor 
 * level but with a string. 
package madkitoptions.ex3_MadkitOptions;

import madkit.kernel.Agent;
import madkit.kernel.Madkit;
import madkitoptions.util.TutorialAgent;

 * In this example we will discover how to
 * launch agents as soon as a new MaDKit is
 * launched. 
 * You may see that there is different ways of doing it,
 * that you can launch several agents, or even different 
 * types of agent.
 * Feel free to (un)comment the lines to test and 
 * understand the differences.

public class _1_LaunchAgents {
       protected static void pause() throws InterruptedException {

       public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
               * If nothing else than the class name of the agent to launch is specified,
               * MaDKit launch one agent of the precised class without graphical user interface (GUI)
              new Madkit(Madkit.Option.launchAgents.toString(),TutorialAgent.class.getName());
              /* The previous line was equivalent to the next one. */
              new Madkit(Madkit.Option.launchAgents.toString(),TutorialAgent.class.getName() + ",false,1");
              /* You can decide whether or not the agent has a GUI. */
              new Madkit(Madkit.Option.launchAgents.toString(),TutorialAgent.class.getName() + ",true");
               * You can also launch several agents by adding the number
               * of wanted agents right after the class name.
              new Madkit(Madkit.Option.launchAgents.toString(),TutorialAgent.class.getName() + ",3");
              /* Let's launch several agents with a GUI. */
              new Madkit(Madkit.Option.launchAgents.toString(),TutorialAgent.class.getName() + ",true,2");
              /* Now, let's launch different kind of agents. */
              new Madkit(Madkit.Option.launchAgents.toString(),TutorialAgent.class.getName() + ";" + Agent.class.getName());
               * Finally, you can note that while launching several (and possibly different)
               * agents you don't have to precise everything each time. In that case,
               * default values will be used.
              new Madkit(Madkit.Option.launchAgents.toString(),TutorialAgent.class.getName() + ",2;" + TutorialAgent.class.getName() + ",true,1;");