Using MadKit in a distributed environment

MadKit is a powerful system-independent distributed computing platform. Each MadKit kernel may act as a node of a complex distributed environment. Connections betweens kernels are done by a specific agent called the Communicator which handles distributed communications between agents situated in different kernels and synchronization of distributed groupes, i.e. groups that span across multiple kernels.

When multiple kernels are connected, the resulting MadKit network forms a distributed platform for building and running distributed applications using agents as the main components. Agents may be used to connect users, share MadKit applications, services, and documents of any kind.


It is important to be aware of the concept of Community, when one is either designing a MadKit application or simply executing and deploying such an application. A "community" is simply a group of connected MadKit kernels. This concept is used to partition a whole MadKit network in order to:

  1. To speed it up,

  2. To propose a conceptual repartition of resources and services,

  3. To provide a framework for securizing distributed applications.

When designing an application in MadKit, you may create groups that belong to specific communities {{see the createGroup function}}. A community, from a programmer's point of view may be seen as a space for arranging several groups that are used in the same application. For instance, the Chat application, which implements a simple but realistic Chat in a peer-to-peer, is organized along a chat community, in which groups represent the topics of the Chat. When a Chat agent creates a "topic" with name myTopic, a myTopic group is created within the chat community. When a kernel M wants to join the Chat application, it simply connects itself to another kernel by specifying its hostname and port number, and its personal Chat agent join the community Chat (See the {{link}} Chat application to get an overwiew of its features and mode of operation).

The following figure shows a diagram which represents an example of communities

Figure 6. Communities with different kernels

with 3 communities (commnity1, community2 and public), 3 kernels (A, B and C) and a set of groups and agents. A kernel is represented by a specific agent, the SiteAgent. This agent dialogs with the kernel to synchronize information about groups, roles and agents that belong to communities. One can see the following properties:

A MadKit network is both an open and securized network. It is an opened network because any MadKit kernel may join such a network, by connecting to a kernel which is part of it. But it is also a protected network, because communities may be restricted to specific kernels, using the authorization mechanism of groups.

Connecting a kernel to a MadKit network

Connection of a kernel to a MadKit network is done with the help of the NetAgent. To make a connection, follow these steps:

  1. Launch a Communicator agent, by clicking on the Agents>Communicator for instance. This will open two windows: the window of the Communicator itself, and a window corresponding to the SiteAgent which lists all communities to which this kernel may belong. A green led indicates that the Communicator is working.

  2. In the texfields of the Communicator, type the name of the host computer (and its port number, if it different from the default port 4444) where another kernel is already running. This remote kernel must have its Communicator already launched and active. If everything is correct, you will see the name of the host computer inside the list of connected hosts.

    If the remote host is already connected to a set of hosts, you will see the name of all hosts in the list of connected hosts of the SiteAgent window.

  3. If there are new communities, you may ask your kernel to belong to them by clicking on the connected checkbox.

Once you have performed these steps, your kernel is connected directly to all kernels and is now now part of a bigger network. It is said that the configuration of the network is complete, because each kernel is connected directly to all other kernels. There is no dedicated “server” (and thus no “clients”). MadKit networks behave in a “peer-to-peer” mode where all kernels are both server and client in the same time.

Note: A complete network is fast and reliable but use a lot of resources for connection and it is not possible to build large networks with this configuration schema. Thus, in the near future, a new Communicator will be soon available. It which diminishes the number of connection while preserving most of the speed and reliability of the network. The configuration mode will still be “peer-to-peer”.

The GroupObserver agent shows all groups and roles belonging to communities to which the local kernel is connected. The community called Communities contain the set of communities to which the local kernel belongs. Each community is then seen as a group in the Communities community. The site role shows all kernels (i.e. all SiteAgent) which belongs to a given community.