MadKit - Version History

Olivier Gutknecht, Jacques Ferber, Fabien Michel, and all the MadKit Team
<>, <>,

V4.1.2 "Arpeggios"

New features

Bug correction

V4.0 a7 "Bubbles"

New features

V4.0 a6 "True Color"

All agents of version 3.1.xx should work without any problem: you may just have to change the 'import' statements
in the header of your java files. See the file 'index.html' and follow the links.

New features

V4.0 pre1 "Shade" (25/11/2003)

MadKit is back in a refunded software architecture and a new desktop look. The MadKit distribution is now more modular and it is very easy to add new modules (called plugins) at will.

This is still a pre-release, which means that the documentation needs a major update, and that some features which worked in the previous version still don't work (see below).

All agents of version 3.1.xx should work without any problem: you may just have to change the 'import' statements
in the header of your java files. See the file 'index.html' and follow the links.

New feature

Features not reimplemented yet

V3.1b5 - "Deadend" (10/03/2003)

This is to be the last 3.xx version of MadKit. Next version will be the new 4.x version which comes with a complete remodelling of the software architecture.

Bug correction

New features

V3.1b4 - "Banshee" (15/01/2003)

New features

V3.1b3 - "Red Cloud 2" (8/12/2002)

Note: Surprisingly, this version has not been publicly released...

New features

Many Desktop new features...

Other new features are:

Corrected bugs and simple modifications

V3.1b2 - "Anaïs" (13/07/2002)

New features

Corrected bugs and simple modifications

Remarks (from JF)

V3.1b1 - "Suntan" (07/072002)

New features

Corrected bugs and simple modifications

V3.1a8 - "Swimming pool" (06/2002)

New features

Corrected bugs and simple modifications

V3.1a7 - "Shower" (05/2002)

New features

Corrected bugs and simple modifications

v3.1a5 "Tiger" (05/2002)

New features

Bug fixes

In Preparation

v3.1a4 "Nightingale" - (04/2002)

New features

Bug fixes

One of the last 'alpha' version before the beta version... Some little bugs have been corrected.

v 3.1a3 "Monster" - 16/04/2002

New features

Bug fixes

v 3.1a2 "Fools day" - 3/04/2002

New features

v 3.1d8 "Rebirth" - 03/2002

New features

Changes and bug fixes

v 3.0 "Guava" - 01/2002

One year and a half between this version and the previous one.... But the new MadKit is even better, with a new Kernel and some features which will help it to reach new grounds...

New features

v 2.0.1 "Zimbra"- 06/2000

Changes and bug fixes

v 2.0 "Nemo"- 04/2000

New features


Bug fixes

v 1.4.1 "Honk"- 01/2000

Changes and bug fixes

v 1.4 "Werewolf"- 11/99

This release brings some very important changes: unification of threaded/synchronous agents, new hook manager, many optimizations. We tried to keep compatibility as much as possible, but we'd really like to know if your code break with this version or if you notice any weird behavior.

New features:


Bug fixes

v 1.3.2 "Glassworks"- 10/99

Changes and bug fixes

v 1.3.1 "Deeper Green"- 9/99

Changes and bug fixes

v 1.3 "Archeo Sunrise"- 5/99

New features:

Changes and bug fixes

v 1.2.1 "Sartori" - 15/12/98

Changes and bug fixes

v 1.2 "THRaK" - 01/12/98

New features:


Bug fixes

v 1.1 - 2/08/98

v 1.0.4 - 23/01/98


Bug fixes



Group & role management

v 1.0a3 - 09/12/97

New features


Bug fixes

v 1.0a2 - 01/12/97

New features

Bug fixes

Known bugs

v 1.0a1 - 01/10/97

First non-development version.